Video and Shortfilm Workshop in Ancares

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It’s almost spring time and we couldn’t thought a better way to celebrate the arrival of the new season than going to the Ancares, the region with the most breathtaking landscapes in Galicia. The secondary school of Navia de Suarna asked us to undertake a short-film workshop for the students; our goal was to work together with them to create a couple of short-films, and our expectations were highly fulfilled!

The workshops was presented as a challenge: students had to work-team on the creation of a short-film no longer than three minutes where “Armando” (the skeleton used in science class) should take part somehow. Under this premise, we let our imagination be free to film two thrillers, a comedie and TV parody. Titles of the movies were: “Where Does Armando Come From?”, “Death by the River Shore”, “The Coach”, “Skeleton Search Wife” or “Tempus Fugit”

By the way, we discussed about the differences between reality and fiction, we watched short-film of the Lumière Brothers and Meliès, we analyzed the language code of advertisements, we shared our hastag on twitter #naviadecine, we made an stop-motion animation… and the teacher also participated filming their own short-film.

Quite a big deal in a short period of time, and this was possible thanks Equipo de Normalización and to all the workers of this public institution, who opened their doors during this two days to a different, collaborative approach to education.

But let’s stops talking and let the films speak by themselves. In our youtube channel you could find and watch them. We also show you here the posters and making of, all of them are still not translated into english but still, hope you enjoy them!

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