Posts Tagged :

capacity building

Participatory Video and Media Literacy
1024 683 somos_gingko

“What we should not loose. PV is not about documentary making, but about people who know each other and have relationships with each other and who want to share their own stories”. This sentence, said by one of the participants on the second Better PV Practice online Web Gathering last May was very inspiring. Oftently,…

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LAV014 Learn, Create and Struggle
150 150 somos_gingko

We spent the weekend in a rural area where we could enjoy the best of the Ulla’s Valley. An unforgettable experience we could enjoy for the second time thanks to Asociación Senunpeso. Because participating in the LAV (Audiovisual Laboratory of Vedra) it’s a pleasure as it means a place to meet, talk, move and build…

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