
Digital Narratives and Counter Discourse: Education for Global Citizenship
1000 649 somos_gingko

This 20-hour online course was held within the Esplai Foundation’s “Academy of Telecentres and Social Organizations”. This academy periodically offers online training courses for staff members from social organizations. Our activity, which took place over 4 weeks, had the main objective of analyzing media discourse to reinforce a critical vision of the relationship between media…

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How to Film a Booktrailer
1000 649 somos_gingko

The activity “How to Create a Booktrailers: Media to Encourage Reading and Creativity” is included in a Regional Government program to promote reading among kids. In this case, the activity was carried out at CEIP O Foxo and we worked with Chroma Key technique. We accompanied the teachers to prepare the Chroma Set, we assisted…

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Using Media to promote Gender Equality in Education
999 649 somos_gingko

Activity introducing the work with cultural and informative products from the gender perspective. We analyzed how media messages are fundamental for the construction of our social identity and we shared resources, strategies and opportunities to introduce them within the classroom. The objective was to facilitate education about gender equality through participatory activities as well as…

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Advertising Language, Beauty Models and Gender Representation
1000 649 somos_gingko

Activity carried out with the students of the Medium Professional Education Students on “Hairdressing and Aesthetics”. The activity was developed in three sessions in which, through the design of a communication campaign, topics of gender representation, stereotypes, beauty canon and symbolic violence were addressed. In parallel, work was also done to improve media literacy through…

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Demystifying romantic love through digital micro-narratives
1000 649 somos_gingko

Activity carried out for two groups of students at Xelmirez I Secondary School. We worked around the representation of romantic love in media, especially in audiovisual products, and in building alternative models. The activity included a practical part of video-dubbing.

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Micronarrativas Digitales para la Convivencia.
1000 649 somos_gingko

Activity held within the “VII Festival of School Coexistence Groups”. During two hours we showed good practices using communication to improve school coexistence while creating different products such as: memes, short videos, ads, …

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Digital Narratives for School Coexistence
1000 649 somos_gingko

Training framed within the Erasmus + Project “TRIC: Bullying and Cyberbullying” in which we worked in good practices and possibilities of using digital narratives to improve school coexistence, as well as to develop communication skills and digital citizenship.

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Workshop on cinema and equality: audiovisual creation with gender perspective.
1000 649 somos_gingko

Workshop designed for the Department of Guidance & Counseling and implemented during school hours, counting on the collaboration of Galician Language and Arts teachers. Throughout 3 sessions, media literacy with gender perspective is blended with the audiovisual creation process. The overall objectives of this activity are: To work media reading and understanding, so that to…

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How to film & edit a short movie
1000 649 somos_gingko

In a practical and intensive way, this workshop aims to show the different steps needed to shoot an amateur shortfilm, providing tips on how to write, film and edit. Objective of the workshop was to provide basic tools on audiovisual to the community of Vedra, so they could participate in a professional 48-hour film contest…

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Map of emotions from the Boiro Village
1000 649 somos_gingko

Activity developed in the framework of the Olloboi Schools Film Festival in 2017 & 2018 edition. It was a Media Ginkana in which 10 groups of students had to walk around the village looking for the hidden stories and emotions, asking the locals, rearching and filming what they found. As a result, we built an…

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