
Audiovisual Workshop: Cóntame Ferrol
1000 649 somos_gingko

In autumn 2021, the Ferrol Council promoted the celebration of an audiovisual creation and digital mapping workshop around the memory (industrial, neighborhood and places) of Ferrol. Taking these themes as a common thread, the participants learned to make simple videos and to draw local history on a digital map. The itineraries and points of interest…

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ICT for the well-being of the elderly
1000 649 somos_gingko

ICT for the well-being of the elderly is a project of “Esplai Compromised Citizenship Foundation” to help promote a dignified and independent life for people over 65 years of age in Galicia. Through digital literacy, the project wants to promote active aging that improves quality of life. The program includes different training actions. At Gingko…

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Intercultural knots through ICT
1000 649 somos_gingko

“Intercultural knots through ICT” is a project of the Esplai Foundation to work on values ​​such as interculturality, coexistence, training and global citizenship. One of the activities of this project consisted in the elaboration of a series of online learning units aimed at migrants on topics such as: basic and advanced digital literacy, improvement of…

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Learn, understand, join
1000 649 somos_gingko

The LGTB + group of the IES Johan Carballeira offers support, talks, courses and different activities to promote respect for different sexual orientations within the center. One of the activities consisted of making an awareness video. To do this, Gingko facilitated a process to define the idea and script of his video in a participatory…

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Digital Narratives for Communication Awareness Campaigning
1000 649 somos_gingko

Introductory course to contemporary digital narratives (memes, micro-videos, gifs …) and to experimentation with their creative possibilities to create messages and campaigns. It is aimed especially at people interested in using digital narratives as a tool for dissemination, awareness or activism in areas such as the promotion of heritage (tangible or intangible), language, environment, etc.…

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Peer support network
1000 649 somos_gingko

This activity consists of accompanying the team of Cyber-Assistants of the IES Manuel García Barros in the design and implementation of a small communication action. Through ICT, active learning methodologies and creativity, students were trained to appropriate the tools and produce digital content with a responsible attitude so that, once the activity is finished, they…

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Women with History: podcast workshop
1000 649 somos_gingko

This podcast workshop was carried out in coordination with the History teacher. The podcast served as a tool to work on the contents of the subject in such a way that the two classrooms of 2nd ESO were divided into small groups, each of which had to do research work around a relevant woman from…

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Digital Narratives Workshop
1000 649 somos_gingko

Course carried out at the NORMAL in A Coruña, linked to the Culture area of ​​the UDC as a university extension course. The course was an introduction to contemporary digital narratives (memes, micro-videos, gifs …) and their creative possibilities for creating messages and campaigns. It was aimed at a general public with creative and cultural…

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Workshop on how to fight machism in social media
1000 649 somos_gingko

Obradoiro para desenvolver análises das redes sociais identificando comentarios machistas e misóxinos e, paralelamente, creación de deseños de “microprodutos culturais de difusión virtual” para respostar aos mesmos e facer que circulen pola rede (memes, vídeos, frases, cancións, etc). A actividade desenvolveuse no marco do Workshop “Sociedade dixital e xénero, Hackeando o patriarcado”, organizado pola Universidade…

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Podcast with Equality
1000 649 somos_gingko

In the fall of 2020 we held this podcast workshop with a group of students. The course was carried out within the framework of the Equality Program. The objectives were to train students in the creative use of ICT while raising awareness about gender equality. The process included the script work, recording and editing of…

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