Workshop designed for the Department of Guidance & Counseling and implemented during school hours, counting on the collaboration of Galician Language and Arts teachers.
Throughout 3 sessions, media literacy with gender perspective is blended with the audiovisual creation process. The overall objectives of this activity are:
- To work media reading and understanding, so that to learn how to detect sexist contents, as well as to identify the ressources to build gender identity and to spread stereotypes.
- To develop team work skills, such as dialogue, collective decision-making or shared responsability, focusing on gender roles and their influence in groups dynamics.
- To acknowledge the audiovisual language and its narrative ressources, as well as its influence on our socio-cultural imaginary.
- To discover and to explore storytelling to enhance creativity and experimentation as learning tools.
This workshop includes actions of participatory evaluation for the whole activity as well as for each step of the process, using tools to analyse the outputs and the roles played within the group with a gender perspective.