We consider learning as a social process, active and unavoidable. We are always learning, mainly when we teach. From this point of view, we design educational activities on audiovisual techniques and storytelling focused on educative innovation, social participation and development.


Our training activities are based on “Learn by doing” methodologies and can be taught on different ways (workshops, seminars, courses, face-to-face, online or blended mobility).


○ Filmmaking: recording & editing videos.
○ Vídeo & storytelling in Education.
○ Digital storytelling for participation, social inclusion and values education.
○ Multimedia production for classroom: designing presentations, contents and materials to work with, etc.


○ Shortfilms workshop.
○ Media Literacy and Critical Think workshop: gender, migrations, sustainability and environment, food sovereignty…
○ Digital Journalism: design and production of multimedia contents for a digital journal or magazine focusing on a given issue (gender, co-habitation, volunteering…).

Social & Cultural organizations:

○ Filmmaking: recording & editing videos.
○ Digital Storytelling for Social Change.
○ Communication for Development & Participatory Video.
○ Introduction to Digital Photography.

We learn

To learn, from German “lernen” (“I know”, with a base sense of “to follow or find the track”)

Latest works